On January 4th, Amina Bibi (Name changed for security reasons*), a female member of an ICC supported church group in Pakistan was attacked by her husband and severely burned with acid. Amina’s husband, who was a non-believer, did not like the fact that Amina was attending the church every week. After the attack, Amina’s husband disappeared and Amina was in dire need of medical assistance. Amina’s family was able to pay some of the initial medical costs, but very quickly ran out of funds to pay for her treatment at the hospital. ICC assisted Amina and her family by providing her with funds for the medical treatment she needed due to the acid burns she received from her husband. ICC will provided local ICC supported pastors with funds which have and will continue to provide for the medical expenses Amina and her family will incur. Photo: 2 ICC supported pastors in Pakistan visit Amina Bibi in the hospital shortly after her husband burned her with acid
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