“Mi sembra chiaro come la luce del giorno che l’aborto sia un crimine” diceva Gandhi, per giustificare questo omicidio gli abortisti adducono che l’aborto non è una decisione, facile, che è un “dramma” (strano per chi considera l’embrione un “grumo di cellule”). Dalla Gran Bretagna arriva la notizia del pauroso aumento dell’aborto “selettivo”: proprio così, uccidono la vita quando ci si accorge che il sesso del nascituro è femminile, oppure non corrisponde al sesso desiderato dai genitori. L’Independent, ha parlato della pratica come di un vero e proprio femminicidio, di una «discriminazione sessuale». Ann Furedi, direttrice della British Pregnancy Advisory (Bpas), la più grande clinica abortiva della Gran Bretagna, aveva commentato a settembre: «Se le donne non sono felici del sesso dei figli possono abortire (…). O accettiamo fino in fondo ogni scelta della madre, oppure no (…), non si può essere pro choice, salvo quando la scelta non ci piace»… se ve piace così… se questo è il mondo che volete…”. Incredibile l’ideologia nazista continua il suo corso. Come si può distruggere la vita umana?
The illegal abortion of female foetuses solely to ensure that families have sons is widely practised within some ethnic communities in Britain and has resulted in significant shortfalls in the proportion of girls, according to an investigation by The Independent. The practice of sex-selective abortion is now so commonplace that it has affected the natural 50:50 balance of boys to girls within some immigrant groups and has led to the “disappearance” of between 1,400 and 4,700 females from the national census records of England and Wales, we can reveal. A government investigation last year found no evidence that women living in the UK, but born abroad, were preferentially aborting girls. However, our deeper statistical analysis of data from the 2011 National Census has shown widespread discrepancies in the sex ratio of children in some immigrant families, which can only be easily explained by women choosing to abort female foetuses in the hope of becoming quickly pregnant again with a boy. The findings will reignite the debate over whether pregnant women should be legally allowed to know the sex of their babies following ultrasound scans at 13 weeks.
Some experts have argued that the baby’s sex should be withheld automatically until much later in pregnancy, when abortions are more difficult to obtain – as some NHS hospitals have already started to do. About 10 per cent of the 190,000 abortions carried out in England and Wales in 2011 took place after 13 weeks of pregnancy, when the sex organs of the foetus are clearly visible from ultrasound scans – which are available privately – and doctors can predict gender with an accuracy of more than 99 per cent. Abortions based solely on gender are illegal in Britain and in many other countries, even those where the practice is widespread. In parts of India and China there are now as many as 120 or 140 boys for every 100 girls despite a ban on sex-selective abortion. a cura di Giovanni Profeta